The corona pandemic affects our private and work lifes to an unprecedented degree. The SARS-CoV-2 Virus came quick and unexpected, so that it has a massive and global impact on our health, the society and the economy.
In order to obtain a quick and authentic evaluation of various questions within the different fields of geodesy, geoinformation and land management concerning the corona pandemic, the DVW e.V. started an ad hoc survey of the professional community. In this contribution the motivation and the background, the used methodology and the achieved results are presented.
The different sectors »governmental area«, »research and teaching«, »surveying offices and self-employed« and »company« were surveyed in a tree structure with individualized questions to derive a meaningful overview of the situation.
Accordingly, the results are presented for these sectors. In considering the very high number of participants in all sectors, it is assumed that the survey gives a representative view of the situation in our professional field.