More than 2,500 km of rural roads have been constructed in Saxony-Anhalt in the past 20 years pursuant to the German Agricultural Adjustment Act (Landwirtschaftsanpassungsgesetz, LwAnpG) and the German Land Consolidation Act (Flurbereinigungsgesetz, FlurbG) and beyond of rural land management. According to the valid »Guidelines for Rural Road Construction« (Richtlinien für den ländlichen Wegebau, RLW 99) rural roads must be calculated and constructed in a manner that they can cope with long-term traffic load and guarantee the necessary seasonal access to the developed areas. Due to the changes of agricultural machines and vehicles has been realized an investigation in Saxony-Anhalt in the past years, if the specifications of the RLW 99 still cope with these conditions or if the planning principles have to be revised. This paper summarizes the essential results of this investigation and tries to make a contribution to the contemporary design of rural road networks.