The so called »Bereitstellungsportal« is an online software solution. It provides preparatory documents to conduct a cadastral survey and it allows the reservation of technical point indicators to all authorised surveyors, means charted surveyors (»ÖbVI«) as well as staff of cadastral authorities, in Brandenburg. Authorised surveyors are enabled to update and compile the necessary cadastral data sets and to act on their own initiative without any further support of other public bodies of cadastral administration. Complete and up-to-date access is possible anytime and anywhere. In addition, subsequent to the surveying, the related documents are submitted digitally to the cadastral authority by using the Bereitstellungsportal. The Bereitstellungsportal allows the exchange of communication messages regarding the survey application between the agencies involved until the survey is accepted by the responsible cadastral authority. Thus, the portal acts as an interface between authorised surveyors and the cadastral authority in charge. In three years of project work, the Brandenburg Surveying Administration has succeeded in creating a completely new solution that merges various and independent administrative processes into a digitally controlled process and optimizes and standardizes the processing effort and communication procedures.