The current housing question poses new challenges for land policy and land management. The considerable increase in building land prices prevent a need-based housing supply in many municipalities because there is a lack of appropriate building land. The rapid increase in building land prices is proving to be the strongest driver of housing costs at present, and is increasingly affecting the supply of affordable living space for large parts of the population, if around 30 % of household income is set as a reasonable limit. In view of undiminished immigration into the cities as well as rising budget figures, a further escalation of housing and building land shortages is expected for the future as well. At the same time the cities and communities are becoming socially segregated. Therefore building land development strategies have to cope with two challenges: On the one hand, the provision of sufficient building land for affordable housing and on the other hand the development of socially mixed urban neighborhoods. Against this background, the proven instrument of land readjustment will be tested with regard to the possibilities and limits to overcome these challenges. After an analysis of the current options for the provision of land, a proposal for a »Social Readjustment« will be made, which will enable a need-based and effective land mobilization of land for social housing.