Reducing the use of land in urban planning practice through strategic management of settlement area development is first and foremost the responsibility of the municipalities. These are advised on the part of the sustainability strategy of the federation to operate a resource-saving area policy and thereby ostensibly to develop areas from within. Due to the impulse of the research project »Kommunen innovativ: Ortsinnenentwicklung«, it is to succeed in the region of Wetterau/Oberhessen to anchor the regional internal development as a permanent regional task. Through the cooperation of actors at different spatial levels and the integration of practice and research, the research project, that is also called »Dorf und Du«, contributes to the reduction of land use. At the same time, consistent and sustainable land use management can only succeed if communication creates an awareness of the careful use of soil as a resource. For the research project different communication measures are implemented to carry the inner development in the region.