
Erwiderung von Sjöberg auf Schmidt.
Siehe auch zfv 3/2006, S. 153–154 und zfv 1/2006, S. 35–39.


In general, H. Schmidt is right that Eq. (14a) of Sjöberg (2006) with the two given points located on the equator leads to wrong results (except for the longitude difference close to?). However, this cannot be proved by Eq. (1) [nor by Eq. (2)] of Schmidt’s note, because this equation is only valid on the sphere. (For two given points on the equator of the sphere, the equator is the great circle connecting the two points whenever the longitude difference differs from?. In the latter case any great circle is a geodesic for the sphere.)
See also zfv 3/2006, pp. 153–154 and zfv 1/2006, pp. 35–39

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