
Verkehrsinformationen werden immer mehr über kartographiegestützte Systeme verarbeitet. Dies gilt für Navigationssysteme im Fahrzeug, Fahrplanauskunftssysteme im Bereich des öffentlichen Verkehrs bis hin zu Tourenplanern für Wanderer und Fahrradfahrer. Das Mobilitätsportal des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz führt diese Informationen auf der Basis eines WMS-Ansatzes zusammen. Der Beitrag diskutiert aus Sicht eines integrierten Verkehrsmanagements die technischen Anforderungen, Hintergründe und erste Erfahrungen mit diesem Ansatz.


Intelligent transport systems (ITS) can help to improve the road networks’ performance and safety e. g. by providing guidance to avoid or bypass congested roads or construction sites, informing travellers on travel times, modal alternatives and multimodal options and increase drivers’ awareness at black spots. ITS applications rely heavily on the availability of accurate and regularly updated spatial information, not only of major roads but also for bus stops, stations, parking opportunities or expected events. During the last years a substantial market for map data has evolved feeding important services like dynamic in-car-navigation. Yet, in order to arrive at an integration of traffic management and traffic information in its various kinds, there must be a common spatial platform shared by all relevant stakeholders. Such a platform can be provided through a mobility portal that aims at integrating all traffic information against a common, Web-Map-service based geographical background. The Land of Rhineland-Palatinate has developed a mobility portal, consequently following certain design principles: Offer all information for free on the internet and map-based as well as through digital data feeds but do not impede the development of new, commercial services. Use international standards for data modelling and data exchange. Foster inclusion of public transport and other modes into road traffic information. Approach and liaise with neighbouring areas, cities and other service providers, nationally or internationally. Today, the portal www.verkehr.rlp.de is part of the information services offered by the land of Rhineland-Palatinate to its citizen and to all users of the transport system in its area. Presently the portal covers information concerning motorways, urban networks, public transport (static and dynamic), construction sites and weather. Since the system is based on standardized web-map-service technology information layers can be easily maintained and even re-used for other relevant websites.